Adjustment of motor vehicle damages under AC and Third Party Liability at GTS SERVICE

We know that the experience of motor vehicle damage is not pleasant and that the process of dealing with it can be long and complicated. At GTS Service, we make every effort to ensure that the liquidation of motor vehicle damage is efficient and successful. That is why you will receive from us not only help and advice in this area, but also immediate support and a fast and hassle-free service to restore your car to its pre-damaged condition.

At GTS SERWIS, we have been dealing with post-accident repairs for years. That is why you can be sure that your car will be repaired at the highest level. We will guide you step by step through each stage of your car repair. If you authorise us to contact the insurance company on your behalf - we will organise the whole procedure of loss settlement for you.

The liquidation of motor vehicle damages at GTS Serwis does not only include the repair of the damaged vehicle. As part of the entire process, we also arrange for its towing to our service centre and provide replacement car. We allow an expert appointed by the insurer to inspect the vehicle and draw their attention to any damage that may have occurred as a result of the collision. We also arrange for an independent expert appointed by us to inspect the vehicle free of charge. We effectively enforce the appropriate compensation from the insurance company and settle the damage directly with the insurance company after the repair has been completed on a cashless basis.

Regardless of the make of your vehicle and whether your vehicle is being repaired under a third-party or third-party motor insurance policy, our specialised mechanics will repair it. Always in accordance with the manufacturer's technology and using new and original parts, so that even the smallest damage will not be left behind.

After repairs at GTS SERVICE, your car will be waiting for you efficient, clean and ready to drive!

Get in touch with us to report the damage. You can do this by calling 502534757 or by emailing us at
You can also use our form available below and we will call you back and take care of all the formalities.

The settlement of motor vehicle damage requires the completion of several procedures. For this reason, we will ask you for the relevant authorisation, a declaration concerning VAT and a scan of the vehicle registration certificate before you report the damage.

Report a traffic accident